Friday, October 15, 2010

One-of-a-kind :)

If it's been done once and never been done again, if it's totally original in the history of civilization and the history of the world, you'll find it in THE ONLY BOOK.

Here are some facts that I found interesting:
  • What is the only country in the world that attracts ten million tourists annually but has no hotels, motels, restaurants, nightclubs, movie houses, taverns, or drugstores?
Vatican City, or the Holy See, renowned for its great works of art and architecture, is the only
country in the world that has no such accommodations. Visitors must leave Vatican City and enter the
city of Rome, Italy for food, lodging, and other services. Visitors come to Vatican city to enjoy the
art, see the Pope's home and reflect.
  • Where was the only place in the world in which a rhinoceros was voted to a city council?
On October 4, 1959, the citizens of Sao Paulo, Brazil, by a vote of just over fifty thousand, chose a
female rhinoceros for the municipal council; she remains the only rhinoceros so honored. The people
of Sao Paulo were protesting corrupt government, food shortages, and skyrocketing prices for barest
necessities. The rhino was brought each day to the Municipal Building to attend meetings.

  • Name the only king without a mustache in a pack of cards.
The only king in a pack of cards without a mustache is the king of hearts.

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